The goal of Bible Study Courses is to present the Word of God in a way that is accurate, clear, and applicable. This site exists to provide resources to help people interested in serious study of the Bible regardless of their educational background. The various studies on books of the Bible and common Biblical topics are an outgrowth of the research, study and sermons of Rev. Donald F. Ritsman.
Each book of the Bible addressed on this site contains a detailed introduction discussing background information, authorship and audience, significant themes and potential controversies and disputes. The bibliography of cited books and resources is listed at the bottom of each introduction. The studies themselves go through each book with reproductions of the Biblical text, basic questions and answers and a more detailed study available as a PDF. The topical sections of the website provide an introduction on each topic and direct the user to relevant Biblical texts and studies that address those topics.
We trust the Holy Spirit to make our study and understanding of the scripture fruitful for the glory of Christ. It is our prayer that these free Bible studies will be a benefit to believers and a resource for knowledge of the Bible.
The studies on this website will always be free of charge. There will never be advertising of any kind on this website.