
DiscipleshipJust prior to His ascension into heaven, the Lord Jesus gave His apostles the commission to go into all the world and “make disciples.” They were to do so by “baptizing” men “into the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit” and “commanding them to observe all that I commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20.) Disciples, therefore, are those who believe in Jesus Christ as their Savior (publicly professing their faith in Him by receiving the sacrament of baptism) and submit themselves to His divine Lordship (doing so by observing all that He has commanded.)

The word “disciple” is closely related to the word “discipline.” To be Christ’s disciple means to submit to His discipline; or, as Jesus expressed it in Matthew 11:29, to take His yoke upon us and learn of Him (i.e.; learn from Him and learn to become like Him.) According to the Bible, discipleship is not an advanced level of Christianity made available to those who are really serious about the faith. On the contrary, discipleship is Christianity. As defined by the Scriptures, a person becomes a Christian when he places his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; a faith, (or confidence,) that manifests itself in commitment to Christ. That is discipleship.

True faith in Christ manifests itself in discipleship. A discipleship initiated by, enabled by, and developed by the gracious working of the Holy Spirit.

To learn more about this topic, check out the Bible study courses on Discipleship.


Follow The Lord With Confidence (Exodus 13:17-14:31)

This Bible study course, based on Israel’s experience at the time of the Exodus, assures the Christian that he can and should follow the Lord with confidence.

Press On In Your Christian Life (Numbers 10:11-36)

This Bible study course considers the need for perseverance in the Christian life as is taught by the experience of Israel’s journey to the Promised Land of Canaan.

Follow The Savior, …Despite The Perils (Mark 4:35-5:20)

This Bible study course, based on the disciples’ experience as they accompanied the Lord Jesus across the Sea of Galilee, encourages us to faithfully follow the Savior, despite the perils we may encounter.

Your High Christian Calling (Mark 12:28-44)

This Bible study course, based on Jesus’ discourse recorded in Mark 12:28-44, presents the Christian’s high calling to love the Lord our God in distinction to the unacceptable religion of the Pharisees.

The Centrality Of The Cross (John 12:9-36)

This Bible study course, based on Jesus’ teaching recorded in John 12:9-36, discusses the centrality of the cross, both in Jesus’ own ministry as well as in the life of the Christian.

Christ’s Persistent Call To Discipleship (John 21:1-25)

This Bible study course, based on Jesus’ post-resurrection encounter with His disciples beside the Sea of Galilee, presents Christ’s persistent call for His disciples to be committed to Him in loving devotion.

Four Characteristics Of The Christ-Like Life (Galatians 5:25-6:10)

This Bible study course, based on the apostle Paul’s teaching found in Galatians 5:25-6:10, presents four characteristics of the Christ-like life that God intends to see manifested in the Christian’s attitude and conduct.

Work Out Your God-Given Salvation (Philippians 2:12-16)

This Bible study course, based on the apostle Paul’s teaching contained in Philippians 2:12-16, exhorts us to develop our Christian life, and doing so by confidently relying upon God.

Press On In Your Christian Life (Philippians 3:12-21)

This Bible study course, based upon the apostle Paul’s teaching found in Philippians 3:12-21, exhorts us to press on toward spiritual maturity in our Christian life.

Show Yourself To Be An Authentic Christian (2 Peter 1:1-11)

This Bible study course, based upon 2 Peter 1:1-11, exhorts us to follow the apostle Peter’s counsel as he instructs us how to demonstrate that our Christian faith is genuine.

The Way To Handle Discouragement (Numbers 20:14-21:9)

This Bible study course, based upon Israel’s wilderness experience, considers the proper way to handle discouragement when the Christian encounters adversity and disappointment in his life.