John 14:1-3,25-31 Exploring the Passage

Below are some preliminary questions to assist in the study of this passage. For a comprehensive study of the passage, download the Study Guide (PDF download).

1. What exhortation does Jesus give His disciples in John 14:1 (printed below?)

Do not let your heart be troubled; trust in God, trust in me also. (John 14:1)

Jesus exhorts His disciples, “Do not let your heart be troubled.” Jesus is instructing His disciples not to allow themselves to be thrown into convulsions of anxiety and inner turmoil. He goes on to say, “You trust in God, trust also in me.” Jesus is telling us that He is equal with God the Father: He is worthy to receive the wholehearted trust and confidence of God’s people. Furthermore, He is telling us that He is as reliable as God the Father: He is deserving of the complete confidence and trust of God’s people. As His disciples are about to enter troubled waters—the rapids which are about to buffet their lives against the rocks with satanic fury—Jesus gives this counsel: Place your confidence in Me.

2. Why does Jesus give His disciples this exhortation at this time? What trial are the disciples about to face? See John 18:1-3,12 (printed below)

When he had finished praying, Jesus left with his disciples and crossed the Kidron Valley. On the other side there was an olive grove, and he and his disciples went into it. (2) Now Judas, who betrayed him, also knew the place, for Jesus often resorted there with his disciples. (3) So Judas came to the grove, guiding a band of soldiers along with some officers from the chief priests and the Pharisees. They were carrying lanterns and torches and weapons…(12) So the band of soldiers together with the chief captain and the officers of the Jews, seized Jesus and bound him. (John 18:1-3,12)

In just a very short time the disciples are going to witness their Master being betrayed by one of their own number. He will be arrested by the Jewish authorities and brought to trial, first before the Jewish Sanhedrin and then before the Roman governor. All this will culminate in His crucifixion. Not only will the disciples be deprived of their Lord’s fellowship, their own lives will be in jeopardy, since they have been known to be Jesus’ disciples.

3. What is the gift Jesus “bequeaths” to His disciples in His departing hour? See John 14:27a (printed below)

Peace I leave with you; I give my peace to you. (John 14:27a)

In verse 27 the Lord Jesus declares that what He leaves with His disciples is the gift of peace. Peace is what He “bequeaths” to them in His departing hour. In writing his last will and testament, a man may bequeath his wealth, his house, his land, his possessions; but who except the Lord Jesus Christ can bequeath his peace?

4. What does Jesus go on to say about this peace He promises His disciples? See John 14:27b (printed below) What do you think He means?

I do not give it to you as the world gives. (John 14:27b)

The peace Jesus bestows upon His disciples is a genuine peace. Jesus declares, “I do not give it to you as the world gives.” “Peace to you” was a common form of greeting and farewell in that day, as it is today. But when the world utters those words it is uttering an empty, meaningless cliche; or at best a sincere hope expressed by one who is powerless to fulfill that hope. But when Jesus pronounces His blessing of peace, He is able to actually impart this blessed peace of God to your very soul.

5. Immediately following His promise to bestow His peace upon His disciples, what exhortation does Jesus give them? See John 14:27c (printed below)

Do not let your heart be troubled; neither let it be fearful. (John 14:27c)

No sooner does Jesus make the promise of peace than He immediately makes the demand that His disciples exhibit courage. Jesus repeats the exhortation He made at the very outset of this present discourse. The Greek word translated “troubled” literally means “to stir up,” or, “to shake up;” it means to be emotionally unsettled, disturbed, thrown into confusion. The word translated “fearful” means “to be timid,” “to be cowardly.” Thus, Jesus is exhorting His disciples to exhibit courage (John 14:27b), a courage that stems from confidence in Him (John 14:1).