Eschatology (The Doctrine of Last Things)

EschatologyAs the title indicates, Eschatology deals with the last events of world history, leading up to and including the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and the inauguration of the eternal kingdom of God.

At the time of our Lord’s ascension into heaven, the angels testified to His disciples, “This same Jesus will return in the same way you have seen him go into heaven” (Acts 1:11.) During His earthly ministry Jesus taught His disciples that, at the time appointed by God the Father, He would return, clothed in the power and glory of the Father (note, for example, Matthew 25:31.)

Scripture indicates that some of the events that shall precede our Lord’s Second Coming include: the preaching of the gospel to all the world (Matthew 24:14,) the appearance of the Anti-Christ (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4,) the great tribulation that shall cause many nominal Christians to fall away (Matthew 24:12; 2 Thessalonians 2:3.) and the conversion of Israel unto Jesus their Messiah (Romans 11:25-29.) Then will come the end: Christ Himself shall appear in glory, the dead shall be resurrected and stand before His judgment throne (John 5:28-29,) the redeemed will enter into the consummate state of eternal glory and unrepentant mankind will be consigned to the judgment of hell (Matthew 25:31-46.)

For more on this topic, check out the Bible study course on The Book of Revelation. Also, check out the Bible study courses on Eschatology.


The Seventy “Weeks” of Daniel (Daniel Appendix)

This Bible study course, (appearing as the Appendix to the lesson on Daniel 9:1-27,) considers the meaning and significance of the Seventy “Week” period revealed to Daniel.

The Anti-Christ Supplanted by the Kingdom of God (Daniel Appendix B)

This Bible study course, (appearing as Appendix B attached to the lesson on Daniel 11:2-35,) considers the character, the career, and the conquest of the Anti-Christ and the coming on the eternal kingdom of God.

Practice Perseverance (Daniel 11:36-12:13)

This Bible study course, based on Daniel 11:36-12:13, discusses the need for the Christian to exhibit perseverance in light of the trials the will characterize the last days and the apparent postponement of the coming of the eternal kingdom of God.

Three Don’ts Concerning Christ’s Return (Mark 13:1-37)

This Bible study course explores our Lord’s discourse on the End Times and offers guidance as to how the Christian should view the Second Coming of Christ.

How Should You Prepare For “The End?” (1 Peter 4:7-11)

This Bible study course considers how the Christian should prepare himself for Christ’s return in the light of Peter’s teaching contained in 1 Peter 4:7-11.

Two Things To Remember About The Lord’s Return (2 Peter 3:1-13)

This Bible study course, based on the apostle Peter’s teaching contained in 2 Peter 3:1-13, instructs the Christian concerning what we must bear in mind with regard to Christ’s return.