Marriage and Family

Marriage and FamilyWe hear a lot these days about dysfunctional families. In such homes the family no longer functions as it should because one or more of the members are not fulfilling their roles: there may be abuse, or addiction, or absence. When one member of the family fails to carry out their role it has a negative effect on the rest of the household: other roles are altered and begin to malfunction. The result is the tearing down, rather than the building up, of the family, and the whole household can be endangered.

As a matter of fact, the whole institution of marriage and family has been endangered today. Some people seek to re-define the meaning of the term, “marriage,” even going so far as to allow for such an aberration as same-sex “marriages.” Others dismiss the whole institution of marriage; viewing it as nothing more than a man-made arrangement, they dispense with it and simply live together.

All this is in defiance of the fact that marriage is an institution ordained by none other than God our Creator. On the occasion of the first marriage, recorded in Genesis 2:21-25, it was the Lord Himself who both “officiated” over the “ceremony” and served as “the father of the bride,” bringing the woman to the man. God will hold us accountable for the way in which we have disregarded the sacred institution He established for our first parents, an institution that, according to the Lord Jesus (note Mark 10:2-12,) continues to be operative until the end of time.

And what about the children who are brought into this world as the offspring of the union of a man and a woman within the bounds of marriage? Some time ago a newspaper article lamented the fact that when children come into the world no “instruction manual” comes with them, no guidance as to how to raise them. We would respectfully correct that newspaper reporter and point out that there is an “instruction manual,” it has been supplied by God Himself. What we need to know about raising children, as well as what we need to know about the relationship of husbands and wives, is provided for us in the Scriptures.

To learn more about this topic, check out the Bible study courses on Marriage and the Family.


Two Biblical Guidelines For Choosing A Spouse (Genesis 24:1-67)

This Bible study course, based on Abraham’s selection of a wife for his son Isaac, discusses two biblical guidelines the Christian must consider when choosing a spouse.

A Less Than Perfect Christian Family (Genesis 29:1-30)

This Bible study course focuses on the need for God’s transforming grace in the lives of Christian family members, as is evident from a consideration of Jacob and his family.

A Role Model For Christian Parents (Exodus 2:1-10)

This Bible study course focuses on Moses’ parents and discusses the ways in which they serve as role models for all Christian parents.

Pass On The Baton Of Faith (Proverbs 4:1-27)

This Bible study course, based on Proverbs 4:1-27, focuses on the importance of Christian fathers in setting a godly example for their children to follow.

Fathers And Sons (Proverbs)

This Bible study course, based on the teaching of Proverbs, provides guidance as to the ways in which Christian children are to honor their parents.

A Worthy Woman (Proverbs)

This Bible study courses considers the characteristics of the worthy woman as they are defined for us in the Book of Proverbs.

Honor Your Marriage Vows (Mark 10:1-12)

This Bible study course presents Jesus’ teaching on the subject of marriage and divorce as it is found in Mark 10:1-12.

Bring Your Children To Christ (Mark 10:13-16)

This Bible study course discusses Jesus’ exhortation to bring our children to Him and not to hinder them from coming to Christ.

Marriage And The Single State (1 Corinthians 7:1-17,25-40)

This Bible study course, based on the apostle Paul’s teaching found in 1 Corinthians 7, discusses the pros and cons of marriage and the single state, providing guidelines as to how one can discern whether or not they have the gift of celibacy.

Are You Honoring God In Your Marriage? (Ephesians 5:22-33)

This Bible study course, based on the apostle Paul’s teaching found in Ephesians 5:22-33, discusses the roles of husband and wife within the bonds of marriage and how the Spirit-filled life applies to marriage.

Are You Honoring God In Your Family? (Ephesians 6:1-4)

This Bible study course, based on the apostle Paul’s teaching found in Ephesians 6:1-4, discusses the respective responsibilities of parents and children and how the Spirit-filled life applies their relationships.

Honor Christ In Your Marriage (1) (1 Peter 3:1-6)

This Bible study course, based on the apostle Peter’s teaching found in 1 Peter 3:1-6, discusses the wife’s role in marriage.

Honor Christ In Your Marriage (2) (1 Peter 3:7)

This Bible study course, based on the apostle Peter’s teaching found in 1 Peter 3:7, discusses the husband’s role in marriage.